Tuesday 24 April 2012

Work module - Toys!

We recieved a work brief from a dude who works at OddCo, a company who create toys, basically the brief was to design a small range of characters that could be made into toys based around a certain theme... as I have been on a scary (but cute) kick at the moment I decided to go with that theme. Needless to say I have been really excited to start designing for this module... so I knuckled down today, when I shoulda been at college, and came up with these guys.

The feet need work still...
I basically made them in Cinema 4D and UV mapped some 2D faces onto them, they were a ton of fun to do. Even if I don't get chosen to make one I will just be happy that I'll have some more stuff to show on the Final Show!

1 comment:

  1. I was going to say the guy in the middle is my favourite but then I saw the expression of the guy on the left looking at me in ShockHorrorDisbelief (x8) so he's now my new favourite. It's all about the eyes don't you know.
