Thursday 17 March 2011

3D character creation - changes

 I decided to make some slight changes to my character in Adobe Illustrator, on the left is the character before hand and the right the changed version.
I decided to change him slightly to make him more scruffy and almost zombie-like to fit with his disturbed and insane personality, it also shows him in a more decayed state than the previous verson, especially with the use of a deflated, carrott like nose, his sewn in mouth and the fact he only has one eye. I'm still not 100% sure of the colour but i like the way the green makes him look almost undead. I also changed some of the line work to make it alot scruffier.
I will not be scrapping the previous version however, as it will be able to fit into the backstory of the character and will show how he used to look before his decayed state and his change in personality.

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