Friday, 30 March 2012

Easter Work

Today I am suppose to get all of my PPD work sorted... I have not brought my memory stick!
So over the easter I will need to get this all sorted and printed for when we get back, this includes:

- Job Research/Skill set/PDFs
- Festival/Competition Research
- CV
- University Research
- UCAS applications
- SWOT analysis

Apart from this I will also be working on:

- Rigging my 3D characters
- Working on another scene from my 2D animation
- Pieces for Final Show/Planning Final Show

Friday, 23 March 2012


Next week

Over the next week I aim to get my 3D characters all finished and rigged, the end of said week/the following week will be spent animating 'em.

Once this is done, back to my 2D animation, I'll need to work hard to get it finished, the majority of it seems more illustration back than anything, there won't be that much animation, if I can split the 2D and 3D and have them both finished by the end I will be happy and have some decent stuff for Final Show.

Also had my interview yesterday, it was good... preeettaaaaay preeeetttaaaaay preetttaaaaay good.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

3D Progress...

This is just a quick (low quality) jpeg of the characters I've been working on over the past week.
I've kept them as simple as possible, as you can see the bodies are just simple shapes and the features very simple also.
Like I said in the previous post I'm trying to capture that old N64/PSone era low polygon-model look for these characters, they will be finished off with a cell-shaded effect (Zelda Wind Waker style).

Obviously the skeleton head needs a body, thinking of giving him a rag doll type body and perhaps a sword or a mace or something. The swamp man needs a little bit more work on his textures, the baghead man too, the mask guy I'm pretty happy with. I also plan on making maybe one or two more, once that's done I will rig and make an animation!
It'll be short probably around 20-30 seconds in length, fingers crossed it looks alright.

When I have spare time I intend to make a 3D model of one of my superheroes/villains, the opposite of these guys, hopefully very sculpted and detailed.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

What I've been doing.

No pics atm I'm afraid.

Basically I've taken a small break from my main animation, I've already grown bored of it... not good.

I have however been doing some 3D modelling, I'm going to make a small animation with these characters I'm doing, it'll probably be very short and just be some little guy being chased by monsters.
I'm making the characters have a low polygon count and trying to make them appear as if they've been ripped right from an N64 or PSone game... I've always loved those graphics, it'll be a kind of homage to them.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Scene Progress

So, I've been workin' hard over the last week.

I've got a canny bit done... not as much as I would have hoped, but a decent amount.

Here's some of the villains, I will be adding one or two more in the future.

I'm a little worried about the continuity between scenes with this pencil shading,
I may re shade them later on. Second guy will have an animated cape in the future too.
Thin scientist guy I'm not too happy with.

I also managed to get a rough version of the villain scene done, it's a good indicator of what the final scene will look like, but the animation is quite crude, some of the goons are rough and theres not enough of them and certain things are missing, such as capes and a few other things.

It's pretty crap, it will be improved I promise!
I'm pretty happy with the way the background/foreground worked out though.