Thursday 1 March 2012

Scene Progress

So, I've been workin' hard over the last week.

I've got a canny bit done... not as much as I would have hoped, but a decent amount.

Here's some of the villains, I will be adding one or two more in the future.

I'm a little worried about the continuity between scenes with this pencil shading,
I may re shade them later on. Second guy will have an animated cape in the future too.
Thin scientist guy I'm not too happy with.

I also managed to get a rough version of the villain scene done, it's a good indicator of what the final scene will look like, but the animation is quite crude, some of the goons are rough and theres not enough of them and certain things are missing, such as capes and a few other things.

It's pretty crap, it will be improved I promise!
I'm pretty happy with the way the background/foreground worked out though.

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