Thursday 22 March 2012

3D Progress...

This is just a quick (low quality) jpeg of the characters I've been working on over the past week.
I've kept them as simple as possible, as you can see the bodies are just simple shapes and the features very simple also.
Like I said in the previous post I'm trying to capture that old N64/PSone era low polygon-model look for these characters, they will be finished off with a cell-shaded effect (Zelda Wind Waker style).

Obviously the skeleton head needs a body, thinking of giving him a rag doll type body and perhaps a sword or a mace or something. The swamp man needs a little bit more work on his textures, the baghead man too, the mask guy I'm pretty happy with. I also plan on making maybe one or two more, once that's done I will rig and make an animation!
It'll be short probably around 20-30 seconds in length, fingers crossed it looks alright.

When I have spare time I intend to make a 3D model of one of my superheroes/villains, the opposite of these guys, hopefully very sculpted and detailed.

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