Friday 27 January 2012

SMART targets

The main target for the next week is getting the following finished so I can build the presentation for the friday:
-Animatic (possibly)
-Full colour concepts of both character and background
-Finalised script

Once these are done I will begin to build up my presentation to present on the Friday.

Thursday 26 January 2012

New module and some more spare time doodles.

Got my marks for the group project module; i passed, which i was surprised at, my last two modules have been god-awful. This new module is carrying on with our main animation and getting together all the pre-production stuff such as the treatment, proposal, animatic etc. Honestly I would be lieing if I said I was looking forward to animating this, the more I think about it, the worse and more uninspired my idea seems and as a result it's a bit daunting.

...Anyway, heres some of the doodles I've been doing in my spare time, I want to take a few of these forward and improve on them possibly for final show.
Few character doodles,  I really like the bottom three.
Although I love doing cartoons, I also love doing this sort of more detailed style,
distorting the faces and exaggerating the wrinkles etc. Inspired by some cool
drawing of Edgar Allan Poe on one of my sisters books.
Actually did this one about a week or two ago, just really to improve on my drawings
and distorting of features, I may colour him further.

Friday 13 January 2012

Some spare time stuff.

I thought "why not?", I really fancied learning more about 3D modelling in Cinema 4D and decided to knock up some characters. Considering I had only done one 3D character before this, last year, I think these turned out alright. If I can get them rigged and moving I think I might stick them in my show reel at the end of the year.

Honestly, doing these characters was a welcome break from the 2D stuff I've been doing and I was surprised to find I actually enjoyed doing these more than doing the 2D frame by frame stuff. I'm just going to keep at the 3D stuff in my spare time and see where it takes me; whether I end up pursuing primarily 2D, 3D or both.

Ghost thing, took about an hour and a half - two hours

Just messed around with the melt tags, so he was pretty easy to make

Happy Banana thing, took a while, I think by the time I had done this one
I had kind of got my head around the modelling abit more.

Hand In...

Unfortunately we didn't manage to finish our iDents for the hand in, looking back I think we should have stuck to maybe 1 or 2 characters each instead of doing as many as possible, this meant much our time was eaten up doing line tests and designing characters instead of concentrating fully on the compositing aspect of the project.
The iDent that I did myself was more or less finished, however it is very sketchy and rough around the edges, some of the characters a little disappointing and unfortunately it is without sound.
We have talked to our tutor and we have decided upon perhaps continuing this project after the hand in and   making it worthy of putting into our show reels.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

First comp attempts

I've never done this before and I think it shows really; I don't necessarily think my comps are bad, they're just okay...
I do like some of the characters I have done, especially the rabbit guy, I will most likely use him again for something, although in this animation he was admittedly rushed, if I had the time I would of liked to have given him both a better jump cycle and more detail; he feels too safe and I'm disappointed with the outcome.
There's obviously problems with these comps and I hope I have enough time to go back and correct some of the mistakes, however that is looking increasingly unlikely as I have ALOT of written work to do.

Am I ever happy with my own work?

Friday 6 January 2012

MTV iDent Progress

Things are going quite well lately for this project, the characters are quite time consuming but are quite fun and allow me to just go mad with them as far as their designs go, I have still tried to keep them quite simple as we only had a quite short amount of time to do quite a lot of characters. Some of the ones I have designed will be simple pop up characters that will only have 1 or maybe 2 frames.

Over the weekend I have to finish off the rest of my characters, colour them and then render them out.
The rabbit character is more or less complete, he's a bit jumpy and could probably have more frames, but he will do.
I have the jumping character to finish off, pen up the rest of the frames and colour him.
I have a few pop up characters to draw out.
There is a flying character and another walk cycle to finish off...

I also need to ring up a few universities to inquire into a third year and sort out the rest of my UCAS if I decide to do pursue a third year

This will be a fun weekend...