Thursday 26 January 2012

New module and some more spare time doodles.

Got my marks for the group project module; i passed, which i was surprised at, my last two modules have been god-awful. This new module is carrying on with our main animation and getting together all the pre-production stuff such as the treatment, proposal, animatic etc. Honestly I would be lieing if I said I was looking forward to animating this, the more I think about it, the worse and more uninspired my idea seems and as a result it's a bit daunting.

...Anyway, heres some of the doodles I've been doing in my spare time, I want to take a few of these forward and improve on them possibly for final show.
Few character doodles,  I really like the bottom three.
Although I love doing cartoons, I also love doing this sort of more detailed style,
distorting the faces and exaggerating the wrinkles etc. Inspired by some cool
drawing of Edgar Allan Poe on one of my sisters books.
Actually did this one about a week or two ago, just really to improve on my drawings
and distorting of features, I may colour him further.

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