Sunday 19 February 2012

Some More Drawings

A few pieces done on MyPaint (love this) I've been working on over the weekend, I tried mixing the cute, cartoony guys I normally do with the more detailed, sketchy style I'm also into, the background colours were just quickly improvised to show the shade. When these are fully finished they will most certainly go in my portfolio/work blog (when I start it)... these were a ton of fun to do.

Pondering little blue man, gunna improve on
him and the background.

Snotty, horrible gremlin thing, again he will be
finsihed, I'll add some ears and gnarly limbs
and the background/shading perhaps improved.
Got a few other ones on the go, some happy and angry characters, it'll just be nice to add some more illustrative work to my portfolio and blog.

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