Sunday 30 October 2011

Death week

I really need to get a move on, finally managed to finish off my expressions sheet and re-do the character elevations (I felt the originals ones weren't really up to scratch).
Now I just need to put them on the backgrounds etc and get them printed.
I have a few character poses that need scanning in also.

Over these next few days I'm aiming to quickly get some line tests done, a few expressions for the other characters perhaps, and maybe test out doing the frames using vector art to see how long it takes.

I spy a few sleepless nights over the coming week, but I think I can get it done, if not I'll just have to try my best. I'll probably end up crying myself to sleep with the stress.

But on the bright side, we get a week off after the hand in...

and then...

on the 11th...


oh god...

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