Thursday 27 October 2011


I managed to finish the walk cycle for my big character, it took a few extra days as my photoshop decided to stop working on my pc, it's still quite scrappy, the outline boils quite abit, but when it comes to the actual animation i will ensure this is alot cleaner, the shading was also done hastily, I plan on getting a drawing tablet so the shading for the actual production will also be alot cleaner.

Over the next few days I really need to get a few more line tests done, I plan on getting a few character expression frames done hopefully a few for each character I have.

I have also been working on my Pictoplasma entry, I was very indecisive about which to use so I spent quite a lot of time going back and producing different designs. I think I have narrowed it down to these two, although I am more keen on the right-hand design; it was perhaps the quickest design I did and I quite like the way it is slightly uneven and sketchy. The chosen design will be live traced in Illustrator and then obviously coloured up and then sent off at the weekend!

I had fun drawing these fellas

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