Thursday 20 October 2011


So this week I really spent my time going back and forth through the animation module and the pictoplasma yeti one, honestly I'm probably enjoying the latter more, simply for the fact that with a single, still image I can go all out on a character design. Pictures of my character designs will be posted at the weekend most likely.

As far as the animation module goes I have still got a lot of work to do, I have finished a line test of my Big Guy so I have the movement of him walking pretty much sorted.
Over the weekend I intend to get this coloured up with a layer of shading, I also intend to get my Yeti entry for Pictoplasma finished.

Oh, and here's a rough version of my little character from the animation, needs tidying up, I will also most likely end up making changes to him too as I'm not 100% happy with it... but that's the case with pretty much every single drawing I have ever done.

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